The majority of urinary tract infections (UTIs) are caused by E. coli bacteria, which attach themselves to the residues of D-mannose that are found on the receptors of urinary tract cells. Supplemental D-mannose, a sugar residue, provides an alternate binding site for the bacteria, which can then be flushed out. D-Mannose has earned the enviable reputation of being able to provide relief from UTIs with exceptional speed, often in as little as 24-48 hours.
UTI Cleanse contains D-mannose combined with cranberry juice extract which can help treat and prevent urinary tract infections caused by E. coli without the continued use of antibiotics.
AOR Advantage
AOR’s UTI Cleanse, a natural antiseptic, provides a small amount of cranberry with a large dose of D-mannose in both tablet and powder form for your convenience.
Non-medicinal Ingredients: Magnesium hydroxide, tricalcium phosphate, distilled water.
Take one to two scoops four to five times daily without food, or as directed by a qualified health care practitioner. Take with water. Use for a minimum of four weeks to see beneficial effects.